The Mountain of God
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onChrist is Risen! As I gaze upon the craggy and sharp mountain that lies before me, I certainly see the handiwork of God. Yet even though God made the mountain, and even though I witness its beauty, that alone does not show me Christ. Without others in the world, without people in the world, without the Christian witness in the world, I would know the creation without knowing the Creator. “For what does it profit a man to gain the whole world, but lose his soul?” We are at a crossroad in our culture. We worship youth, we worship beauty, we worship self...yet we do not know its source, our Creator. It is as if we are the ones who set things in motion...we are responsible for the workings of life. But this is not Truth. We are part of creation. We are amongst that which God created, but there is a caveat…we are the crown of His creation and as such, we have authority over it. The saying, “If you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you can say to that mountain 'move from here to there,'” takes on new meaning when you gaze upon the second largest mountain in the world. The Lord gave us authority over great things. Our faith, in its full capacity, is beyond imagination. We have Christ the Creator who, having become part of His creation, has changed everything. Together with the saints, martyrs, and teachers, we have so great a cloud of witnesses that we can cloak ourselves in their example of faith and begin, even through our own meager efforts, to ascend the mountain of God.