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February 2023

Posted by Pres. Marika on

February 2023

Spring cleaning…is it too early? Generally, around this time of year, I get itchy to get into my garden and dig in the mud. Here in Colorado, Mother Nature is expert at luring me into the outdoors, just to throw out an ill-timed snowstorm that threatens my hard work…even at times threatening the trees heavy with burgeoning buds to the point of breaking. So why the itch? Inside each of us is the small image of Christ, and just as He sets things in order, we too are aware of order and the promise of new seasons to come.

As we prepare for the Journey of Lent, the needfulness of cleansing and recreation is tangible. It is time to clean out our refrigerators, dust off our souls through the Sacrament of Holy Confession, restore our bodies through Fasting and Prayer and make ready our hearts for the King who is coming to make us new again. As we approach Clean Monday, be encouraged to attend as many Lenten Services as you are able, treat your families to healthy and wholesome Lenten meals, and be blessed to join in the Feasts of Feasts, together with our communities, singing the triumphal Hymn of Hymns!!

But we will have to wait a bit for that. It’s too soon to exclaim Christ’s Resurrection. So, Kali Sarakosti! A blessed and fruitful Lent to you all!