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Fall Changes

Posted by Pres. Marika on

Oddly, I feel a sense of loss, although I have gained a beautiful son and the wedding was by all comments a lovely success of warmth, love and fulfilled sacrament. I came home to no longer needing to keep the lights low as to not disturb my princess daughter. I can use my little hand vacuum at all ridiculous hours of the morning as I see fit and we are only cooking for two. There is joy! And yet, there is change, which can feel like loss. We look forward to some dinners together when the honeymooners, or as his father says, ‘happymooners’ return. Perhaps this is part of the plan. The wedding euphoria is still strong, and we remain so grateful for a daughter wed and off on her adulting way.

As the leaves are losing their hold onto strong and resolute branches, there is a change in our lives, there is a change in the ordering of my routine and known rhythm. We are given a gift to procreate with God and given the responsibility to give back to Him that which is His. The liturgy sings out, ‘Thine own of Thine own’, and yet we do feel we possess the things we hold and care for, even if only on borrowed time. What is this mystery of marriage? It is like so many things on earth, one small change and there is a domino effect. New pieces arrive… though not all brand new. For example, new relationships that arrive with a new bride or groom, parents, grandparents, friends and relatives. New shiny gifts arrive at the door to set up the couples’ new home that they may forge their way with all the items a new home requires. New emotions arrive that before were not seen or experienced. Thus begins the starting of a new family.

God allows us the love of our Creator, the love of spouse, the love of children and our fellow man. We give our heart to those we love and hold dear, and the person our child chooses for a mate now also hold a part of our own heart. May our children know love that they may give love and now…as the season of fall comes…may we choose to fall more in love with God and those around us because as our world is experiencing change, we as Christians have a lot of color and beauty to add to His creation.